our story

rooted in sustainability, grown organically.
Organic farming isn't just about what you grow; it's about how you grow it—with love for the land and respect for nature's balance. By supporting local communities, we nourish not only our bodies but also the bonds that tie us together in life.

how it all began


Farming for Sustenance

When we first arrived in this new country, amma and papu, that's what we've always called them, had nothing but a small plot of land and big dreams. We started growing organic fruits and veggies to feed our own family, using the old ways taught by our ancestors.


Setting Up a Local Stall

One day, we decided to share our bounty with our neighbors. We set up a little stall near the town market, selling our organic produce. It was a humble start, but seeing the smiles on people's faces made it all worth it.


Opening the First Store

The response was overwhelming! People loved our veggies and the stories we shared about our farm. Encouraged by our community, we opened our first little organic grocery store. It became a cozy hub for folks who cared about where their food came from.


Expansion to Nearby Towns

As word spread, we knew we had to share our passion with even more folks. So, we opened more stores in nearby towns. Each one became a gathering spot for organic food lovers and those who cherished sustainability just like us.


Passing on the Legacy

Now, amma and papu may be a bit older, but their spirit lives on in our family. Our kids have taken the reins, while our grandkids are learning the ropes. They honoring their amma and papu's commitment to green living. Together, we're carrying forward our family's legacy of love for organic food and respect for the land.

the difference in numbers


jobs created

these are more than mere numbers. they are the lives and livelihoods of families that have been transformed due to ours and your commitment to the natural way of life.


community events

we host multiple community engagement events per year across towns, fostering connections, promoting healthy living, and supporting local initiatives.


local sourcing

over 80% of our products are sourced locally from small-scale farmers and producers within a 50-mile radius of our stores, supporting local agriculture and reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation.

to the ones who made it all happen

